Friday, November 30, 2012

Where to start?

This is often my dilemma. Where do I start? Typically what stands in my way is being overwhelmed by the possibilities. I have so many interests that I feel like I have hobby ADD. I will start a new craft endeavor only to be overcome with an interest in a different hobby, therefore never honing my abilities for the first unfinished hobby.

I wanted to start a blog in which I tackle different areas of interest once a week, trying to make my hobbies fit my type A personality's schedule.

I think to start off, I am going to try to tackle the following:
1 new healthy recipe per week
1 baking endeavor per week
1 craft per week
1 interesting article per week
1 home project per week?
1 Elliott project per week
1 craft per week.

This could be way too ambitious with an active 18 month old and a full time job, but let's give it a shot!