Monday, January 28, 2013

Daring to go back to Daring Bakers

Well, I've come full circle; I have decided to once again participate in what started my very first blog -- The Daring Bakers!  This month's challenge was to make a Dutch pastry called Gevulde Speculaas.  I was excited that my first challenge back in the Daring Baker's saddle was a pastry from Holland, one of my favorite countries that we visited during our European travels!  I did not, however, sample any authentic Speculaas while in Amsterdam, so I had nothing with which to compare my homemade version.

I have to say, this was a very simple pastry to make, despite the fact that we were required to make from-scratch almond paste and Speculaas spice blend, which sounded a little intimidating.  One of the coolest things I learned while making these was that almonds can be easily stripped of their brown casings by simply boiling them in water for 1-2 minutes.  They just slip write out of their skins!  And, they are much prettier to look at when they are naked!

I wouldn't say that these were my favorite dessert that I have ever made, but they are definitely tasty.  I think they would go really well with a cup of tea, if you are into that sort of thing. ;)  I wish I were, but, alas I have not yet developed my taste buds into the tea drinking sort.

Almond skins

Naked almonds

Speculaas pre-bake

Speculaas post-bake

Francijn of Koken in de Brouwerij was our January 2013 Daring Bakers’ Hostess and she challenged us to make the traditional Dutch pastry, Gevulde Speculaas from scratch! That includes making our own spice mix, almond paste and dough! Delicious!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Silhouettes on the tree

Every year I am going to try to make (or have him make, when he's older) a new Elliott ornament for the tree. Last year we made Santa out if a clay hand print. This year it was a felt silhouette. I like the way it turned out! We made one for my parents and one for Chris' parents as well! Thanks to dear Ocky, for the three embroidery rings!

Still here, still creating

Over the holidays the whole family had a bout of stomach bug, yuk! That made it difficult to do much, or want to do much! I did, however, complete two batches of multigrain bread with my natural starter. It turned out pretty tasty the second go round when I used 3/4 bread flour and 1/4 whole wheat, as opposed to all whole wheat! It is a very dense bread, and very chewy, with a nice crisp crust. I don't think I would make it again, though, as it isn't my favorite homemade bread. Wanna hear a sad story? Whilst living in the house of the plague, I neglected my lovely starter. It is no longer lovely, unless you are one who thinks mold is beautiful. It went down the drain. I can make more! I am now a pro at starting starters; just not keeping them.